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WalkingPad Treadmill Comparison

by King Smith 17 Nov 2020

WalkingPad treadmill is still too new to the market. It's a truly foldable treadmill that fits in small apartments. Some people may be confused about the differences between these 7 WalkingPad models. So we make this comparison chart for you to learn about WalkingPad models.

WalkingPad Walking Treadmill Comparison Chart:


WalkingPad Treadmill Comparison Chart:

As you can see, the biggest highlight of Walkingpad quiet treadmill is the revolutionary folding body, making it easier to store, so you don’t need to mark a room as the fitness room in order to store your treadmill. You can exercise anywhere, by the way, many fans like to exercise while watching TV shows.

If you’re a walker or a light jogger, avoid features you won’t use. The walkingpad walking treadmill machine (P/C/A Series) can meet your daily exercise, and take it home with a lower budget than any treadmill. You only need to walk for an hour a day to reach your fitness goals.

If you love running more, need more speed, and need to burn fat quickly, then you can choose a foldable walking and running pad Treadmill (R series).

Activity Levels:

Jogging: Recommended for first time treadmill users, for those who just want to relax or recover from injury. Also recommended for physical therapists.

Running: Recommended for more fitness minded treadmill enthusiasts. For those who don't have time for the gym or going out for running.

How much space do you have for a treadmill?

If space limitation concerns you the most, you'd better consider Walkingpad as the first choice. WalkingPad is designed to be a super space-saving machine for home workout. It can be easily stored under the bed after being folded. 



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